Thursday, March 12, 2020


The techniques for tic tac toe making can be:





5.With AI without AI

Before starting the game ...its crucial to know the steps like how it  is being played?.. basically, here are some rules ,then their is pseudo code , algorithm and then comes code.

so lets proceed then.....

How to play?
Now that we are aware of the game and its history , lets get to the rules and regulations considered while playing this game.
Now that we are aware of the game and its history, let’s get to the rules and regulations considered while playing this game.
You might already know to play tic-tac-toe since you think it’s a very easy and simple game, right? Well, that’s where  most people are wrong. If you really get your mind around the game, you will find out that it is not a simple as you thought it would be.
Let’s take a look at the rules for tic-tac-toe:
        The game is played on a 3 by 3 square grid.
        It’s a 2 player game.
        One player picks the ‘X’ mark and the other is ‘O’ mark.
        You only get one turn for one mark to put in empty squares.
        Whichever player gets 3 of their marks in a row, wins.
        The marks can be made diagonally, vertically or horizontally.
        When all of the 9 squares are filled up, the game is over.

        If neither of the two players is successful in having 3 marks in a row, the game ends in a tie.

Let's look further what more interesting comes!!!1!


  1. what more techniques further we will get to see?

  2. yes tic tac toe using simple cpp oops concepts,codes with AI ,without AI ,In with AI you will get to experience game with computer

  3. well written content and apt explanations.

  4. Good work I thank you for such great blog description.

  5. yes the beginners code helped😊

  6. explained in a very simple way! after reading this blog now i can design my first game myself

  7. yes the beginners code helped😊



Course Project Title: TIC-TAC-TOE GAME in C++ Description: Tic-Tac-Toe is a zero-sum and perfect information game. As the total perm...